Wednesday, February 19, 2014

plus quilt

Here's another pattern I've been wanting to give a whirl.
 I love an excuse to pull out a huge stack of favorite fabrics.
 Of course I was so excited to show the recipient...but all she had to say was: "there's not enough pink."
 I fixed that.
 At home.  
Good thing I  hurried and took pictures, it didn't take long to get covered in green marker.

1 comment:

  1. I love this quilt - I love the shot on the bed. My boys got green marker all over one of my mom's ottomens in our room. I have had great luck with the magic erasers with crayon but marker seemed pushing my luck but it actually brought it right out! Thank heavens - I would have died if it didn't!! Poor Gigi, the boys have already destroyed her hard wood floor downstairs. I hadn't looked at your projects recently. You're amazing, four kids and look how much you've been getting done just this year! I don't know how you make it happen! You go girl!
